6 easy and fabulous tricks to clean the kitchen
To clean the kitchen it is not necessary to invest large amounts of money or time. It is enough to know how to choose the right products for each specific case. If there is one area in the house that gets dirty more than the others that are, without a doubt, the kitchen. The fat that is generated when cooking is one of the main problems that you can find when preparing this part of the house.
Do not hesitate and write down these simple tricks to clean your kitchen. They will be of great help.
- Clean the countertop: Countertops are one of the area’s most susceptible to staining. They are made of different materials, so it is important to make sure that you acquire an adequate product that will not damage this area of the kitchen. For this, it is essential to read the composition of them. For example, in case your countertop is made of marble, you can clean it and make it clean in the following way:
- 1 glass of 70º alcohol or oxygenated water (200 ml)
- The juice of 1 lemon
- Warm water (necessary heat)
Mix the alcohol or hydrogen peroxide with lemon and the amount you need warm water. You will see how, if you rub a little bit, you are able to take the great shine from this area.
- Extractor hoods: Extractor hoods are another one of the tricky areas of the kitchen and doing a thorough cleaning in this part of the house is important. It is an area in which a large part of dirt accumulates and its cleaning requires some effort. In the case that you have a steel extractor hood, you should know that to leave it clean and completely disinfected you need a little gin. It is a super useful trick that will also serve to clean any appliance or steel utensil.
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- Brighten kitchenware: Save time when cleaning a kitchen. If your cutlery is rusted there is a way to rescue them and get them to look bright again.
- ½ onions
- Salt
To recover the brightness of forks and spoons you can use half onion with salt and rub over the damaged areas. Failing that, you can also use water and soap to wash the dishes. Both tricks would be useful for that purpose. In the case that the utensils are ceramic, you can clean them with a little ammonia and detergent. If you have wood, the best thing is that you try to whiten it with warm water mixed with oxygenated water. The result will be ideal.
- How to clean the gas burner: If instead of glass ceramic you have a gas burner you will have to clean it with soap and water. Of course, you should not forget that they should be cleaned only when they are cold. When you have finished, put them back in place and you can use them normally. This area of the kitchen does not require a daily cleaning, but you must maintain a periodic cleaning. In the market, you can find specific degreasers that will help you to eliminate grease and dirt in this area of the kitchen much more quickly and effectively.
- The home solution for kitchen furniture: In the case of kitchen furniture you can prepare a homemade cleaner.
- 1 cup of water (250 ml)
- ½ cup of vinegar (125 ml)
- ½ cup of vodka (125 ml)
To be clean and free of all types of fat mix all the ingredients, shake them to mix and pour in a spray. Also, you can act as a disinfectant if you add a couple of drops of eucalyptus oil. With such a simple mixture you can eliminate the remains of lime and grease stains that may be in the kitchen.
- Goodbye to lime: To forget about the lime, do not hesitate to try the following.
- 2 bags of citric acid (200 g) (the amount that will vary depending on the size and amount of lime)
- Water
To clean you will have to fill 2/3 of the teapot or the chosen container with cold water. Open the bag of citric acid and add to the water. Bring to a boil for 3 or 5 minutes. After the indicated time you will have to check if the tartar has been detached or not. Then, remove your teapot from the fire and move it from one side to the other; the tartar debris that falls will show you the efficiency of cleaning. After cleaning, discard the dirty water and rinse the teapot. Finally, you will only have to pour clean water, boil it again and throw it away again. Repeat the procedure 2 times before returning to normal use.