Guest posting – General Rules, Conditions, and Guidelines
Important! Read before posting!
The free posting option does not guarantee post-approval. If the article does not respect the following guidelines for free posting, it will most probably be rejected!
1. Guidelines for free guest posting
The article must:
- be at least 740-900 words long (or more), original, informative, and written in fluent British or American English. No fluff or thin content, no Indian English, no duplicate content, and no rewritten or scraped content!
- contain images (uploaded to our blog via the Add Media option – do not embed images from other sites!)
- link to authority resources such as Wikipedia, Forbes,, Business Daily, etc. You may insert up to 3 such authority links.
- be shared by you on your social media profiles or linked to it externally after the approval. We CHECK this regularly and if we find no backlinks to the article or shares, likes, tweets, etc. the article SHALL BE REMOVED within days or maximum weeks!!
- contain max 1 () sponsored link per article. We reserve the right to modify the anchor text and link target URLs if we find them promotional, irrelevant, or inappropriate.
RECOMMENDATION: Add content-related videos from YouTube to your article using the YouTube embed code!
If you need a custom link or a dofollow link, please consider the paid option. Read below for more details!
2. The paid guest posting option
If you are interested in a guaranteed inclusion of your articles, please contact us to be provided with more details about the paid post options we offer (for both dofollow and nofollow links) and the .xls list of blogs where we provide the service.