Best Exercises For A Flat And Toned Stomach
While most of us would love to have the flat toned stomach of the latest supermodel realistically that probably isn’t going to happen.
However, we can achieve a firmer stomach by simply doing a few exercises on a regular basis which will strengthen your stomach muscles.
To achieve the flat stomach look remember to eat healthily and keep your weight down. A healthy lifestyle and regular exercise will go a long way to helping you achieve the look you want.
I have put together a few simple exercises to be done on a daily basis. It’s up to you how many repeats you do it depends on your fitness level, but even a small amount of exercise will benefit you. If done properly you should feel it in your stomach the next day.
If at any time you become uncomfortable or experience pain then you should stop. Anyone who already has a medical condition or suffers back problems should consult their doctor first before doing any exercise.
Basic Sit Ups
Lay flat on your back with your hands behind your head. Bend your legs with your feet flat on the floor. Raise your body slowly off the floor using your stomach muscles and hold for a few seconds before slowly lowering yourself down.
Only raise yourself as high as you are comfortable with. If you are a beginner this probably won’t be too far. As you get fitter you should progress to a full sit up. Do as many as you can but don’t overdo it if you are new to exercise.
Oblique Sit Ups
This is a variation on the standard sit-up. It’s also known as the Crossover sit-up.
Lay flat with your hands behind your head. Bend your legs keeping your feet flat on the floor. Raise your head and shoulders off the floor aiming your right elbow towards your left knee. Lower slowly back down and repeat on the other side.
You can vary this my bringing your right foot to your left knee and vise-versa. Do as many repeats as you are comfortable with.
How To Perform A Sit-Up
Reverse Crunch
Lay flat on a firm surface with legs raised and slightly bent. Keep your feet together or cross them if it’s easier. Keeping your hands flat on the floor slowly raise your hips off the floor. You won’t need to lift far before you feel your stomach muscles tightening.
Don’t swing your legs the lifting movement should come from your stomach. Aim your knees towards your stomach but don’t worry if you can’t lift this far to start with even a small lift will tighten your stomach muscles. Repeat as many times as you are comfortable with.
Vertical Leg Crunch
Lay flat on your back on a firm surface and raise both legs straight. If you find it difficult to keep your legs straight then bend them slightly. Place your hands behind your head for support.
Using your stomach muscles raise your shoulders off the floor as far as you comfortably can. You should really feel your stomach muscles tightening.
Repeat as many times as you can. As your stomach muscles get stronger you should be able to do a few more each day.
Bicycle Exercise
Think of riding a bike but laying on your back.
Lay flat on the floor with your hands behind your head to support it. Lift your legs off the floor bringing your knees to your chest at the same time slightly raising your shoulders. Straighten one leg at a time just as if you were riding a bike. If you are fit enough touch the bent knee with the opposite elbow.
Don’t worry if you can’t do this just the cycling motion will give your stomach muscles a good workout. Do this for 5 minutes or until you tire. As you get fitter you should lengthen the time each day.
Ab Isolation Exercises : The Bicycle Ab Exercise
Jack Knife Sit Ups
This is an exercise probably more suited to those of you who are finding the above exercises quite easy and need something a bit more challenging.
Lay flat on the floor with your legs straight and your arms stretched out behind you. Raise both your legs and arms to meet so you end up balancing on your bottom. Slowly lower legs and arms then repeat as many times as you are comfortable with.