Why this is the best time to be a freelancer
Thinking about making the leap and becoming a freelancer? You choose the right time: joining this growing trend of collaborative economics brings more and more benefits.
These are the reasons why it is the best time to enter the market as an independent professional:
There was never more demand
Many people carry a false belief that the independent market is flooded with workers who can not find regular jobs. But nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, there is a growing demand for independent services in a wide range of sectors. Finding enough work used to be a problem for freelancers when the collaborative economy was less popular. No longer.
Be a Freelancer
Safety at work is no longer what it was
There is a negative side of the labor market today that makes independent work much more attractive: in the face of changes in the economic landscape, job security is no longer a guarantee.
Companies are eliminating traditional jobs and creating new positions for independent employees, in order to join the collaborative economy.
Between that and the increasing automation of business tasks, true job security is now very difficult to achieve.
Finding work is easy
Freelancing is not a new phenomenon, but it has been taking place forever. Before, freelancers moved through professional contacts and networks. But now, thanks to technology, finding work is much easier: there are platforms specifically designed to connect service providers with customers, such as StarOfService , Upwork, Guru and more.
Do not necessarily decide between white or black
Probably the main reason people avoid making the leap and becoming a freelancer is the fear of failure.What happens if you leave the security of your job and then you fail to enter the market as a freelancer?
If this is your concern, you are missing an important point: you do not have to compromise yourself.Independent work is flexible, which means there is no reason for you to quit your job if you do not want to, or if you prefer to wait until you feel more secure in the collaborative market.
You can, for example, devote some of your free time (evenings or weekends) to work on your own while you keep your day job. When you feel that your freelance job starts to take off, then you can begin to negotiate part-time work, until you can leave the schedules completely and dedicate yourself to your own project.
Being a freelancer means you have no boss, your hours are flexible, you can work wherever you want and when you want. If one customer is too difficult, you can let him go and choose another. You are in complete control of the way you work, and you do not have to endure stress situations generated by someone else.
For many, increasing personal freedom is the main driving force to become self-employed.