How nature can help with anxiety
Anxiety is a condition that many people across the world live with on a daily basis. There are lots of ways that the individual may experience physical and mental symptoms. Good Mental Health Training Courses like those from can help you identify some of these.
Medication can be helpful for some individuals, and it can be used alongside talking therapies and other holistic therapies. Nature is one such holistic therapy. There are many ways that getting out into nature can help those that are suffering from anxiety. Taking a walk is one of the simplest ways to enjoy all that nature has to offer. When walking, you can try and be present in the moment. This is one of the best ways to help ease anxiety.
Mindfulness is built around the concept of rooting yourself in the current moment. Not worrying about the future or regretting and replaying the past. When you carry out mindfulness whilst out in nature, it can help to boost its effects. Take a moment to look around and identify what sights, sounds and smells that you can identify. You can then start to notice how your body feels at that moment. Can you feel the sun on your skin or the wind blowing gently through your hair? All of these techniques help to root you in the present moment.