Creative Ways To Help Your Sex life
When you’ve been in a relationship for a while, sometimes there can be a dip in the amount of intimacy you’re both experiencing. But fear not! This is normal and can be for a range of different reasons, whether that’s down to your busy schedule and life getting in the way, or maybe something like hormones means you don’t feel in the mood. If you’re suddenly realising that your sex life needs a new lease of life, it’s time to spice things up. There are so many tips and tricks that you can use when it comes to getting that spark back in the bedroom, here are a few creative ways that you can help your sex life.
Try something new
One of the best things that you can do if you’re finding yourself stuck in a rut is to try something you’ve never done before. Ask your partner if there’s anything they’ve wanted to try and see if you can come up with something you’re both interested in trying. You could try the best tantric massage in London to help you open to new sensations and experience new types of pleasure.
There are so many toys available for so many different sensations. There are toys that work well when used as a couple or something you can use exclusively on each other. Browsing for a toy together can be a great way to create excitement in the relationship. Take time to browse toys online and see what you think will suit what you are hoping to achieve – and then all you must do is schedule a time to try them out!
Share your fantasies
Communicating with your partner is essential – brainstorm ideas with each other to see if there’s something you’d both like to try that you’ve never done before. If there’s something you’d like to try with your partner, now’s the time to ask! Make sure it’s something you’ll both be comfortable with and get the ideas flowing!
Clothes on
Sex doesn’t mean clothes off! Leaving your clothes on can create a sexier element to your bedroom antics. There are ways that you can have sex with your clothes on, whether that’s lingerie or just staying fully clothed, doing the opposite of what you usually do is sexy! Next time you’re heading to the bedroom, leave something on – getting almost naked, but not totally. Leave something to the imagination and create some anticipation.
Change locations
Spicing things up in the bedroom doesn’t necessarily mean keeping it confined to one room. Moving to another area away from where you’re used to like the sofa or bathroom can add an exciting element to your sex life. Changing locations to somewhere that isn’t your usual spot will help to keep you both on your toes.
Take away your senses
Using blindfolds is a great way to create anticipation and up the heat in your relationship. You could also try using earphones so you or your partner can’t hear. By taking away the senses, you create mystery and surprise, which automatically adds a sense of excitement. Taking the senses out of the equation heightens the sensation you and your partner will feel during sex.