8 Simple natural tips to prevent hair loss and get beautiful hair
Hair loss can be due to various factors such as stress, hormonal changes, and even tinting or continued use of the hair dryer or curlers. We have 8 simple natural tips to prevent hair loss and get beautiful hair.
These tips are given below;
- Green Tea
- Onion juice
- Essential Oils
- Fenugreek
- Licorice Root
- Aloe Vera
- Beet or beet
- Flax seeds
- Green Tea: Green tea contains different antioxidants that stimulate hair growth and prevent hair loss. To use it as a natural remedy, you should prepare an infusion with two sachets for each cup of water and apply it hot on the scalp. Let it act for an hour and then wash it off as you usually do.
- Onion juice: Onion juice contains lots of sulfur. This prevents hair loss by improving the circulation of blood to the hair follicles. To use it, extract the juice from an onion and strain it. Apply it on the scalp letting it act for 30 minutes and then wash your hair as you usually do. You should repeat the treatment twice a week for two or three months.
- Essential Oils: Essential oils such as lavender, rosemary or thyme have been shown to help prevent hair loss. Perform massages with any of them on the scalp after the shampoo and you will see that your hair will be much stronger.
- Fenugreek: Fenugreek is very effective in treating hair loss, its seeds contain hormones that help to improve its growth by rebuilding the hair follicles. In addition, they contain proteins and nicotinic acid that also help with the task. To use it, soak one cup of seeds in water overnight. The next day prepares a paste, put it on your scalp and cover your head with a shower cap, let it rest for 40 minutes and then rinse your hair. Keep in mind that this remedy should be used every day for a month to get results.
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- Licorice Root: The licorice root also prevents hair fall, as it softens the scalp helping to get rid of irritations. Just add a tablespoon in a cup with a little milk and a teaspoon of saffron. Mix well until it forms a paste, place it on your scalp and let it act all night. Repeat this procedure twice a week.
- Aloe Vera: Regular use of this plant prevents hair loss and relieves itching caused by dandruff. To use it place aloe vera gel on your scalp and let it act for two hours and then rinse it with warm water. Repeat the process three or four times a week.
- Beet: Beet juice contains a number of vitamins and minerals that strengthen the hair and prevent it from falling. In addition, you can boil the leaves together with henna and make a paste that you will have to apply on your scalp letting it act for about 20 minutes and then rinse. Repeat three times a week.
- Flax seeds: These seeds have large amounts of Omega 3 fatty acids that prevent hair loss. To use them, you should consume a tablespoon in a glass of water once a day or directly add them to your meals.