How to get a flat stomach
Stomach fat is very rebellious and eliminating it is something that seems impossible to the naked eye. But when we see the cases of people who reduced the volume of their stomach in a surprising way and even understanding that it is possible, we still think that we will never achieve it. Why convince us of that when there is a solution? In this post, we give you 10 foods to get a flat stomach.
Addressing a diet and changing eating habits is difficult but not impossible. It is important to mentalize and think that changing the harmful lifestyle is an investment in our body, in our health and even in our state of mind, because seeing ourselves well makes us feel good.
These star foods to get a flat stomach
- Pear
- Ginger
- Apple
- Almond
- Asparagus
- Pineapple
- Artichoke
- Papaya
- Nut
- Mango
- Pear:
Sweet and refreshing with large amounts of water. Pear sorbitol is the key element for digestion. It has important concentrations of fiber and this influences the intestinal transit because it activates the flora.
It has vitamin C, all the B-complex vitamins, tannins, and many minerals.
Pears contain 50 calories per 100 grams.
Consumption: Salads, compotes, baked, as an ingredient in a vegetable puree, cooked with wine.
- Ginger:
We know that salt is not good if it is consumed excessively because it makes us retain liquids that are concentrated in the belly and extremities. Ginger can be a good substitute for salt if we use it in meals.
It also favors digestion thanks to its high fiber content and is a good ally to reduce stomach inflammation.
It also has medicinal properties for having anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antimicrobial and antidiabetic action.
Ginger contains 60 calories per 100 grams.
Consumption: It combines perfectly with meats, fish, and seafood. It is used in the preparation of bread, cookies, and desserts. Also as an ingredient in juices and smoothies.
- Apple:
It is the most cultivated slimming fruit in the world and never lacks in the diets. From the nutritional point of view, it is one of the complete fruits. It has a depurative, alkalizing and antitumor effect. It is ideal to promote digestion, regenerates the intestinal flora, fights free radicals and protects the heart.
The apple contains 50 calories per 100 grams.
Consumption: In fruit salads, sweet cakes, cookies, fritters, baked or with liquor and any sweet recipe gets along very well with cinnamon. It also accompanies salty foods such as goat cheese or prawns.
- Almond:
It is true that almonds, like any other nut, contain many calories, but it is clear that we would never eat more than a few, that is; only a few grams, unlike a fruit that outweighs it.
The almond in small doses can be an ally when it comes to losing weight because it gives a feeling of satiety and stabilizes blood sugar, helping to avoid cravings.
Rich in antioxidants, fiber, B vitamins, minerals, Omega 6 and Omega 9.
Detoxify the body and promote intestinal transit.
Almonds contain 634 calories per 100 grams.
Consumption: Almond milk is an option for those who are sensitive to lactose because it offers an alternative when adding calcium and other nutrients. Almonds can integrate a salad or they can be made into powder and be part of the preparation of bread and cookies. It is also included in countless desserts and cakes.
- Asparagus:
Asparagus is composed almost entirely of water, but the portion that remains contains many nutrients and all its advantages.
They have a diuretic effect, something that benefits the kidneys and prevents fluid retention at the same time fiber facilitates intestinal transit. This we lose kilos.
They contain very few calories, few carbohydrates and many vitamins and minerals.
It is beneficial for the nervous system, it is anticarcinogenic and we must thank its rejuvenating properties for zinc and folic acid.
Asparagus has 25 calories per 100 grams.
Consumption: Steaming is how you best conserve your nutrients and your green color. It can be included as an additional ingredient in salted cakes, especially ham and cheese, in cream soups or accompanying pasta.
- Pineapple:
The pineapple or pineapple is the fruit to lose weight par excellence. It contains an enzyme called bromelain that acts as a mild and purifying laxative of the intestines, in addition to helping burn fat.
It is a very sweet fruit that everyone likes and although it has high concentrations of carbohydrates, they are slow burning something that gives a feeling of fullness for a long time, thus preventing us from eating for hours.
Pineapple has 52 calories per 10 grams.
Consumption: It is very included in smoothie recipes and juice combinations. It also integrates fruit salads, desserts, cakes, and pies.
- Artichoke:
The artichokes or artichokes have very few calories and although it has high percentages of water, this flower is extremely nutritious. It helps to purify the kidneys with its diuretic properties and acts as a natural laxative thanks to fiber.
Strengthens the immune system and is especially recommended for diabetic people, with arthritis and high blood pressure.
Artichokes or artichokes have 40 calories per 100 grams.
Consumption: Boiled, we can defoliate each artichoke and embed it in vinaigrette (oil, vinegar, lemon, salt, and pepper). It is also included as an ingredient in salads or as another flavor in a pizza or in soups and cakes.
- Papaya:
Papaya is the fruit that contains the most fiber, ideal for intestinal transit. The carotenoids help to feel good and in autumn is when the rates increase the most.
It has anti-inflammatory properties and is recommended for people suffering from arthritis. It also eliminates parasites, is digestive and retinin, one of its components, facilitates tanning.
Papaya has 33 calories per 100 grams.
Consumption: Combine well with pork and duck. It is usually used in smoothies, juices, and desserts. Ideal to include in a fruit salad.
- Nut:
Walnuts are a very similar case to almonds. It is not exactly a food to eat in an uncontrolled way, but a few, provide a feeling of satiety avoiding pecking between meals.
It has fatty acids that represent a good source of energy, potassium for the muscles. Nuts prevent cramps.
They are antioxidants; prevent the action of free radicals and premature aging.
The nut has 525 calories per 100 grams.
Consumption: The recipes where we see them usually are in bakery and pastry. They are an inevitable part of delicious brownies and all kinds of biscuits. It gets along very well with chocolate and vanilla.
- Mango:
Mango is the alternative for those who want to take advantage of vitamin C, but do not tolerate citrus. Mango is rich in this vitamin, in addition to many minerals.
It is antioxidant and anticancer. Regulates blood sugar, prevents constipation, gives a feeling of fullness and this makes it an ideal fruit for those who make diets to lose weight.
The mango has 60 calories per 100 grams.
Consumption: It goes very well with red meats, but obviously it stands out and enhances its flavor in the preparation of desserts, smoothies, and juices.
So, we should consume these foods to get a flat stomach.
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