7 tricks for applying beautiful simple henna tattoo on your Skin
Henna is a plant-based colorant that is commonly used to dye hair and also in making non-permanent tattoos on people’s skin. The procedure for drawing a figure with henna on the body is very simple and its materials are really easy to get. For this, we have 7 tricks for applying beautiful and simple henna tattoo on your skin.
When the paste is applied to how to make a henna tattoo, the dye molecule migrates from the plant mix to the upper layers of the skin. As the composition of the skin is different throughout the body, for the tattoo to last longer, you should choose areas that have thicker skin, such as the palm of the hand and sole of the feet. Tattoos in other places such as arms, legs, stomach, back fade faster because the skin is thinner.
Procedure to make a good henna tattoo:
- Henna Tattoo; the first thing to keep in mind is that the results of a tattoo are variable depending on the chemistry of your individual skin and the quality of the henna you are using. One should consider talking to a dermatologist because the henna paste contains a special component, which can cause skin irritations.
- Make the henna paste at least four hours before using it; keep in mind that once mixed it will lose its potency. Protect your hands very well how to make a henna tattoo, you have to remember that everything you touch with henna powder and paste will stain.
- It is good to locate a large and bright place with a table where you can work. You can use a newspaper or other paper to protect the table, and then you should gather the following materials on the table.
- Preparation of henna paste: If you have purchased the powdered product for how to make a henna tattoo, there is a small step that you will have to complete before using it. Take one teaspoon of henna paste and place it in a small bowl. Dip the dough into the water with the pipette. After mixing, you should remove and check the consistency of the paste. If the pasta is too creamy, you should add more water and then let it stir. Let the pasta stand under cellophane for about 5 minutes. Thus, the paste will be ready for the skin.
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- The following is to make the transfer of the temporary tattoo template for what is required: the tattoo template, a blank sheet of paper, a pen, and other pens will not work a clear deodorant bar and a printed design to become a template, a paper clip, and scissors.
- To start how to make a henna tattoo, place the white piece of paper on the printed design and hold it together with the paper clamp. We must draw on the design with the pen, and then cut it with scissors. Apply a light layer of clear deodorant to the skin on which you want the tattoo. Place the pattern over the upside down area and hold firmly for about 5 seconds. Remove the paper and arrange to draw firmly on the outline with henna paste if you want the look of a real tattoo.
- The trick to making your tattoo last longer: To achieve a faster drying of your tattoo; apply sugar water or lemon juice. The procedure is performed gently with a cotton ball. Then, wait until it is dry. This can be done several times. Once your tattoo is finally dry and you are ready to take off the paper, do not wash it with water. The water stops the process of dyeing and redness causing the tattoo to fade ahead of time.