Osteopathy can ease headaches
Most of us have experienced headaches at some point. Headaches can be caused by a variety of factors, including tense muscles and sinus problems. They may also occur during periods. They are very rarely the result of serious conditions. However, they most often occur as a result of tension or migraine.
Tension headaches are also called cervicogenic migraines, because they originate in the cervical spine. The symptoms are often described as a tight band around the head. This is caused by neck tension, which can be a result from stress or postural exhaustion.
Clusters – These can last several hours or be short lived. They present as an acute pain in the area around one eye. It can also be accompanied with redness, tears and a runny or watery nose.
These unpleasant headaches may be caused by a neurological or vascular condition. Migraines can cause severe pain on one side and a throbbing feeling that is made worse by moving. Visual disturbances and aversion to the light can be the first signs of a headache. Caffeine, alcohol, cheese and chocolate can trigger migraines.
Any infection that leads to the sinuses becoming inflamed may cause facial nerve pressure to increase. It can cause pain between the eyes or on either side.
Those with chronic headaches will find it useful to understand the triggers and causes. Osteopathy is a great way to relieve pain and tension in the muscles. Massages of the soft tissues, joint-releasing techniques, and acupuncture can provide relief from headache symptoms. For Acupuncture Gloucester, visit purelandsacu.co.uk/acupuncture-gloucester
The occipital technique is a way to stretch the soft tissues of the neck bone on your back using fingertips. This technique is easy to learn and can be used at home by migraine sufferers. It has been shown to have a high rate of success in treating migraine symptoms.