5 color combinations to decorate the kitchen
The kitchen is one of the most important rooms for many families who live in this space many daily moments. The decoration of the kitchen or the renovation of this place highlights the importance of color. In addition to the choice of furniture design and the composition of the place, the color combinations reflect the many possibilities in kitchen interior design. You can group in a folder those examples of kitchens that you see in magazines to identify what aspects of color you like the most. Here are five examples of decorate the kitchen that can guide you.
Combination of white and gray
The lighting project completes the image of this place associated with the preparation of new recipes, the preparation of weekly menus and many other moments that make up a routine with its own meaning. The natural lighting of the large windows that connects the interior with the exterior also reflects the beauty of a well-lit space. By means of color you can also multiply this visual effect of amplitude. And the sum of white and gray expresses an equation aligned with this essence.
The gray color can also dress the tone of the door handles, something that is not essential as one of the trends to decorate the kitchen is the image of furniture that do without this visual complement.
Brown and black
While the combination of colors described in the previous point can be seen in many examples, the sum of brown and black is not as widespread but it is also possible to see examples of creations that follow this chromatic structure. A brown color that runs through the beauty of a material as elegant as wood. In turn, the black can dress the exterior aesthetics of the appliances present in the place.
The brown and black are two colors that are very present in the decoration but are usually accompanied by the contrast of other tones. In this case, this trend shows the sum of these main tones in the same place.
Brown, black and white
The chromatic perspective of the previous example can be extended beyond this binomial to compose the image of a kitchen from three main colors. This is an example of a combination that always turns out to be a success. The aesthetics of kitchens with island and the spaces of decoration opened in the home around a central nucleus also manifest one of the fashions in decoration.
Brown and white
The white kitchen tiles are still the choice of many people who visualize in the image of this aesthetic a trend that overcomes the barrier of time. The combination of white and wood is a classic that brings elegance to the whole place that represents that daily experience of welcome.
White, blue and gray
Some trios of colors add a striking set that produces a color effect in place. Blue is one of the tones present in the natural landscape. And this tone is directly linked to pleasant sensations of calm and well-being. One of the possible decorating mistakes is to decorate based on many colors. The two or three shades selected in this decoration base must harmonize with each other from their own essence.
Therefore, there are color combinations that describe the visual landscape of kitchens with their own soul. And the same kitchen can be transformed completely from this very visual expression. What other possible alternative combinations to decorate the kitchen would you like to add to this brainstorm that we share in this article?