Tell-tale signs you might have a damaged sewer pipe
How can you tell if you might have a problem lurking beneath your feet? Damaged pipes can be a real cause for concern and if you are starting to notice that all is not right, what tell-tale signs are there to look out for? A home’s plumbing connects to the main sewer line and this provides an essential service so you’ll want to ensure that all is well. Here are some things to keep an eye on:
One of the most unpleasant and serious scenarios that could occur if there is a problem with the sewer line pipe system is backup of sewage. This could occur when a toilet is flushed and waste comes back up into your toilet or up through the drains of a bathtub or shower. Obviously this is a huge cause for concern. Sewage is a health hazard and can cause extreme damage to a home’s plumbing systems. If this occurs, contact an emergency plumber right away.
A bad smell
The pipes in a main sewer line should always be airtight but if you begin to notice a rotten smell pervading your home, there could be an issue with the pipe. You might notice the smell coming from your drains and it could indicate a leak somewhere in the sewer line. This is also a scenario for which an emergency plumber will be required.
Issues in the main line can impact a property’s drainage. If you are noticing several clogs occurring at different places in your home, this could be a symptom of bigger problems in the sewer pipe. When you have only one drain clogging, it is most likely just an issue for that drain but when it happens in multiple places, this indicates pressure in the main sewer line that if left, could lead to further pipe damage. Find out more about the benefits of Drain Lining Surveys at a site like Drain lining surveys through Wilkinson Environmental
When cracks begin to appear in a property’s foundation, this could be a sign that a problem in the main line has been left untreated for quite some time. As well as foundation cracking, sinkholes may also appear in gardens.
Slow drainage
If you are forever unblocking drains and the flow never properly returns, this could also be indicative of a problem further down the line. Whilst you might temporarily solve a slow drain, if the problem persists, the clog is likely to be located in the main sewer line.
If you begin to see patches of lawn that are sagging, there could be a leak underground, particularly if the area is also waterlogged. You may also start to notice garden paths and patios beginning to sink or lean and this could also be caused by a pipe leak underground. The same could be said of unusual patches of lush green grass that sprout up in areas of your garden and not others. This should be investigated as soon as possible to prevent further damage to your property.