Best Gift Ideas for Toddlers
It seems you reach a certain age, a certain milestone, and then all of a sudden…. new babies everywhere! While there’s no doubt that this makes for a very exciting period in one’s life, there’s also no doubt that it means a hell of a lot more kids’ birthday parties.
While that’s not a problem in itself, there is that nagging issue of what to get them all? You want to be able to gift your best friends’, cousins’, brothers and sisters’ kids (and your own!) something thoughtful, something they’ll appreciate, and something that’s not too expensive.
Well luckily for you, we’ve provided the definitive list! Check our top ideas for fun toddlers’ birthday gifts and then let us know of all our inevitable, glaring omissions!
1. Animals
No, we’re not talking pets here – whether it’s a rabbit, a goldfish or a tadpole, pets remain the strict domain of the parents in question – yet there’s no denying the fascination that all children have with animals, so use that to your advantage!
We recommend cute animal soft toy gifts, animal colouring-in books, animal totem toys and farmyard animal sets! How’s that for a fantastic bunch of animal options? Things to consider: just make sure of course that toys are suitable for the child’s age, so nothing too small, and nothing too big.
The great thing about soft toys and other animal toys is that they remain fun, attractive and deeply cherished for years. So even if your gift isn’t immediately snapped up and hugged by the birthday boy or girl, no matter – they have plenty of time yet to fall head-over-heels in love with Bunny, Teddy or Patch.
2. Machines
No, we are not suggesting you get little Susie or Zac a lawnmower for their 3rd birthday, but there is every chance that they’d like something mechanical, or at least resembling something mechanical. This is, even more, the case if it happens to be something they often see Mummy and Daddy using.
So, think toy cars, tractors, bikes, and trains. Anything with peddles or wheels. Think kitchen gear, like toy blenders, kettles and coffee makers. How about toy sewing machines, vacuum cleaners or hair dryers?
Toy machines are so much fun because toddlers can start to make-pretend that they’re grown-ups, and have the opportunity to interact physically with their playthings, keeping active while also putting their imaginations to work.
3. Music
No, we’re not talking sheet music or any second-hand LPs. We’re talking mini drum sets, keyboards, and xylophones.
One handy tip, if you do plump for a xylophone or keyboard, why not get one that has all the sharps and flats on it, too? There’s nothing more disappointing for Tammy or Tom to think they’ve finally cracked the Peppa Pig theme, only to find there’s no G sharp when they need it!
A musical instrument is a wonderful gift that can not only be enjoyed for years, but also spark a lifelong fascination or talent.
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