Frugal Living Tips – Recycling Old Clothing
We all have clothing stuffed in dresser drawers or in the back of the closet that is old and unwearable. Maybe it has a hole across the back, or there is a stain on the arm, or the design has faded. So it sits there, taking up space because you can’t sell it and you do not have the heart to throw it out. What can you do?
The frugal person knows that nothing needs to go to waste, and that includes old clothes. If you are good with a sewing machine, or even just a needle and thread, you can recycle all of your old clothing into new pieces of art. You can easily craft new clothing, bags, quilts, and so much more from your old and outdated wardrobe.
First, go through all your old clothes. Make a list of what you have to work with; denim jeans or jackets, cotton shirts, old baby clothes, whatever you have. Once you know what you have on hand you can decide what you want to make. You can find free patterns for almost anything online, or check out your local thrift shops for used patterns. Many often have a large collection of older patterns that have been donated.
Older jeans and denim jackets can be crafted into denim purses easily. Cut the legs off of an old pair of jeans, then sew the bottom shut. Use strips of denim from the legs for straps and line the purse with an old shirt. Even jackets can be changed with a little creative sewing. Stitch the jacket shut, cut and sew it off at how large or small you want the bag to be, and use the sleeves to create the straps. If you are crafty enough and have a small pile of old jeans you could create several purses to be given as gifts or sold.
If you have old clothing lying around quilts are the most common way to recycle them. Old baby and children’s clothing could be transformed into quilts that will keep you warm and full of memories. But you can easily change any old clothing into one of a kind quilts. There are a number of patterns online that show you various interesting designs you can create.
If you are not interested in a quilt you can use the same idea to create one-of-a-kind patchwork skirts. A simple straight skirt is easy to make even without a pattern. Creating your own fashionable skirt to wear is a fun way to show off your own unique style. And using your older clothing is a great way to continue wearing a favorite item that might otherwise be in the dumpster.
If you have old, torn, and stained up clothing that you cannot wear or get rid of recycling them into new items is a great frugal way to get more life out of them while improving your wardrobe. If you are creative and good at sewing you can create almost anything out of your old clothing.