How to tie a belt on a dress?
A belt is one of those accessories that can take any outfit from drab to fab. But, for some reason, tying a belt on a dress has always seemed too complicated for me. Well, I’m here to tell you that it isn’t! Here are some tips and tricks on how to tie a belt on your dress:
How to tie a belt on a dress?
Tying a belt is a great way to add an extra layer of style and polish to your look. But if you’re wondering how to tie a belt, we’ve got tips that’ll have you looking like pro in no time.
Tie it around the waist
Tie the belt around your waist to make sure it fits. If it is too loose, you can always take out a few stitches and resew them so that it fits better.
If you’re wearing a dress with belt loops (the little loops on the back of your dress), secure them through those.
If not, you can also tie your belt through a buttonhole in order to keep it in place.
Tie it through the belt loops
Next, you’ll need to tie the belt through the belt loops on your dress. To do this, first make sure that the two ends of the belt are long enough to go around both sides of your waist as well as overlap at least 2 inches when pulled tight.
Now take one end of the belt and pass it through a loop on one side of your dress. Twist it into place so that it’s secure before moving onto the next step: securing it with a knot at its other end (this is why we had you measure twice).
Tie it through a button hole
If you have a dress with a button hole, tie your belt through it. First, make sure the belt is tight enough to stay in place and won’t slip out of place while you wear it. Then thread the end of the belt through one side of the buttonhole and pull it through until there is no more slack left on that side. Next, thread both ends of your belt back through this same hole again so that they emerge on opposite sides from where they started (the knot). Finally, tighten down any excess slack until your bow tie looks nice and neat!
If you’re not sure how many holes there are in your dress’s waistline or if there are any at all, measure around yourself with a measuring tape before deciding which method will work best for you; some dresses may not have any extra space for tying off loops or knots like this one does but still need some extra reinforcement at their waistlines for structural integrity reasons (and others might even come with built-in loops already sewn into place).
This is easy with practice
If you’re new to tying a belt, the best way to learn is by practicing. There are two ways you can do this. The first is in front of a mirror and the second is by experimenting with different types of dress and different types of belts.
Once you’ve chosen your outfit, turn it inside out so that all the seams are hidden from view and have an assistant hold up the dress for you while they help guide your hands through each step. A second person can also be used as a model to check how well your knot matches their style before making any adjustments!
When you’re done tying your belt, make sure to check that it is secure and not too tight. It’s important to know how to tie a dress belt if you want to look your best when wearing formal attire or an evening gown.