Ways to make your van more secure
If your business relies on the use of a van, it’s important to ensure that it is as secure and safe as possible in order to deter thieves. This guide offers top tips on what to look out for if you’re thinking of leasing or renting a new van.
Rising Thefts
According to the RAC, an average 30 vans a day are stolen in the UK, resulting in more than £60m in costs to business.
While most modern vehicles come equipped with alarms, deadlocks, immobilisers and even tracking systems, there are other things you can do to protect your goods.
Check Security Features
If you are looking to rent, lease or buy a new van, check what sort of alarm it is fitted with. A Category 1 alarm is the best, as it has a range of features designed to deter potential thieves.
Other Security Measures
Blacked-out or tinted windows are a good idea, as they prevent anyone from seeing what’s inside your van. These can be professionally installed, but if you are leasing a van, you need to check with your finance provider first. If you are looking for van rental Bristol, there are several van rental specialists such as https://www.autolynecarvanrental.co.uk/van-hire-bristol that can let you know which vehicles are most suitable.
Consider a lockable fuel cap, as the high cost of fuel means that thieves are prepared to steal it from vans. If your vehicle already has one, remember to lock it.
Many modern vans come with a tracking device which can be used in the event of theft to locate any stolen goods. But if yours doesn’t have one, it is well worth considering, as they use satellite technology to find locations and send them directly to insurance companies.
Other commonsense measures to take are to keep your keys safe (possibly using a key signal blocker pouch to store them), parking in well-lit areas at night and removing anything of value from the van overnight. You should also keep a list of any items that are kept in your van.