What the hell are they spraying?
It is a documentary presented at the Second International Film Festival with a Gender Perspective, which brings to the table the debate, or rather the question: what are these chemical trails (“chem-trails”) which mysterious jets are leaving all over the world? Here in Mexico, I haven’t noticed them. Maybe I’m not paying enough attention, but they are a recurring phenomenon in the North American skies.
What the hell are they spraying?
Much of the scientific community is still in the part where they wonder if these “chemtrails” exist, that is, if they are not emissions from ordinary air traffic. But other scientists, with proven reputations, argue in this documentary that they exist, that those who are spraying are doing it for capitalist reasons and that this is harming us.
Michael J. Murphy makes this compilation of testimonies from scientists, people who have worked in the United States Air Force, the Department of Agriculture, and experts in the securities markets to verify that geo-engineering is an area that has been in development for decades. The power to control the weather by spraying minerals into the sky like aluminum, strontium, and boron. The villains of this conspiracy can concentrate atmospheric humidity in a certain place and control where it rains. They can even create and control hurricanes; These acts of “playing God” has brought about the imbalances in the climate that have caused the monstrous storms, hurricanes, and droughts of recent years, in addition to depositing chemicals in our air that should not be there.
Who are the wicked?
Ever since Napoleon Bonaparte was slowly making his way back through Russia’s snow in 1812, the militia has been very interested in controlling the weather. Not just for personal gain, but to conspicuously attack your enemy and weaken him before firing the first bullet. The military and big corporations, including everyone’s favorite GM food company: Monsanto. While small farmers suffer from droughts and floods, Monsanto already has patents for drought and flood-resistant seeds.
The characters in this documentary hope that raising awareness about this problem will inspire people within the system to spill the beans, “whistle-blowers” like the aforementioned Edward Snowden. Conspiracy theory or reality?