When wood was all we had to build with
Our ancestors soon came to realise that living in a cave was not exactly the best situation. Whilst it may well have been relatively warm. It soon became crowded and also it wasn’t that great in terms of decor. The mesolithic period is when we really decided that maybe we would give living outside of a cave a bit of a go. This was all very well and good but our ancient ancestors were faced with a problem: what would they live in?
Luckily for them there was an abundance of trees around the country and they soon began selling them at a rate that has never been repeated, even today. The ancient island of Britain was full of Woods but this was soon ended by are mesolithic ancestors who cleared it for crops and also used trees to to build their homes and build protective fences around them. We still use wood today for many of our buildings and Oak Extensions are in fashion at the moment.
The Roundhouse and then later the wattle and daub house, framed with wood, would remain the standard dwelling for about the next 500 years. In those days if you wanted an extension you definitely went for an oak extension.
times the buildings tended to be made of stone as they showed a level of opulence that was important to the people at the time. It also allowed for mosaics to be used in the floors as an example of the decoration that thye loved and these were also seen as a status symbol.