Monthly Archive: April 2024

Important pre-journey checks this summer

Fuel Make sure you’ve got enough for your trip. In heavy traffic, cars use more fuel. If you need to hire a van, consider Van Hire Bristol from

Five types of sustainable yarn

Did you know that knitting can be a sustainable activity if you choose a recycled yarn or a more sustainable new yarn? Let’s take a look at five ideas to guide you in your...

What is legal aid?

Legal aid in the UK is a government-funded scheme designed to provide financial assistance to those who cannot afford legal representation. The purpose of legal aid is to ensure that everyone has access to...

Choosing the right meeting room

Here are important things to consider when setting up or hiring a meeting room. Select a meeting room with enough space Space is key if you want to ensure that everyone feels comfortable and...

What is metal spray?

Metal spray is one of a number of popular techniques used to add coatings to the surfaces of objects. The items that are sprayed are known as substrates.