What are Some of the Items that you Might Find on a Seder Plate
Seder plates like this https://cazenovejudaica.com/uk/seder-plate are one of the most important items used to celebrate the Jewish festival of Passover and the items that are on the plate each tell their own part of the story.
Here are some items that are on a Seder plate, and what they mean…
Karpas – This is a green vegetable, and parsley is most commonly used. It is representative of the Israelites first years in Egypt, and it is dipped in salted water to symbolise both the triumph and the tears endured by the people.
Zeroa – This is a roasted bone of lamb that is symbolic of the sacrificed lamb used when the temple was in Jerusalem and the Passover was celebrated there.
Beitzah – The hard-boiled egg is reminiscent of new life and the circle of life, that even during hard times new life can prevail and hope is not lost, and new beginnings are possible even at these times of difficulty.
Maror – This is a bitter herb, usually horseradish, and it is used to remember the bitterness of the life that was endured by the slaves.
Haroset – This sweet mixture is made of fruits, honey, nuts and wine and is symbolic of the mortar that the slaves used when they built the Pharaoh’s buildings. It also symbolises the fertility of the slaves who defied their captors who tried to separate the men and women.