Fashion for traveling by plane: comfortable and beautiful
When we travel, it is important to dress comfortably to face the waits, temperature changes and any situation that may arise. In this article, we will discuss fashion for traveling by plane.
Choose a comfortable look to face the long hours of waiting
Facing an airplane trip is sometimes a challenge. Not because of the fear we may have to fly, but because of all the preparation and time involved. It means taking flights, being aware of air connections and, in most cases, spending hours at an airport waiting, without counting the duration of the trip. That is why it is important to be comfortable to face the waiting, the temperature changes and all the chaos that may be around us with so much travel bustle. That does not mean that we do not go with a good look, for which we will have to combine different garments when we are ready to fly.
And it is that if something is characterized by air travel, no matter how fast we get to the destination, it is because we are waiting for many hours. In the airport, in transfers, between one link and another, with delays or overbooking. These are dead hours in which, in most cases, we cannot do much more than taking a walk around the shops, have a coffee or read a magazine. So, the first thing is to take it with patience and the second to dress accordingly.
Much of the wait we will spend dragging suitcases and carry a thousand junk (the bag, jacket, tickets, water, tablet, mp3) so it is not advisable to opt for a dress that we do more complicated. Of course, we would go very pretty with a minidress and 14-centimeter stiletto heels, but as they change the departure of the plane and we have to run around the airport we will not remember how much they stylize those shoes and how impractical they are they turn out to fly with them.
Let’s start with footwear, key when traveling. Between comings and goings, that there are many people and that the airport and the airplane are properly heated, it is not normal for us to go cold except that they abuse the air conditioning, so the boots are an element to be discarded, no matter how much space they occupy us. We must take into account that we will pass a couple of times, at least, by control arcs and will take off our shoes if we go with boots or booties.
As far as clothes are concerned, there is no more comfortable garment to travel than jeans. The tracksuit may also be comfortable, but it is somewhat unsightly. The jeans have the advantage of adapting to any kind of look, so combined with a cheerful shirt or shirt we have an outfit of the most appropriate to fly. In case of not being able to wear jeans, wide pants or baggy skirts can also be very useful. If we use tight clothes or tube we will feel constricted and it will be uncomfortable to spend several hours sitting with them, not to mention that they will wrinkle more.
The same applies to what to wear in the upper part of our body. If in our destination there is a temperature very different from our point of origin it is advisable that our clothes respond to the onion style, that is, with several layers of clothes: shirt, jacket, and coat. In this way, we can also adapt to the heating or air conditioning that usually exists in the airport and the plane.
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The direct consequence of superimposing layers of clothes is the fact that a moment may come when we carry several clothes in our hands. If we travel with children directly it will be a mountain of clothes what we have. That is why the bag to choose is essential. It is probably the most important complement when it comes to flying, because of the utility it fulfills.
Mobile phones, magazines, water bottles, something we buy at the airport stores at the last moment, sunglasses, ticket, wallet we need a large bag to carry everything. If possible choose one whose interior is divided into several departments, because that way we can place things and find them at the first, without having to spend half an hour rummaging to find the passport.
Choose between a large bag and a small one
In case we do not like large bags we can choose to put the essentials (ticket, money, passport, and phone) in a small and carry a backpack or bag with everything else. Of course, in these cases, we must be vigilant not to lose it or to be stolen. Shoulder bags, in this sense, are the most practical to avoid problems like these.
Another accessory that is essential in our clothing when we are going to fly is a scarf. In addition to giving us a touch of color and brightening our look, even if it is informal, it can be our great ally in the face of the dreaded changes in temperature and air conditioning, whether at the airport itself or once on the plane.
With regard to other accessories such as rings, bracelets or chains, it is best to select those that do not include spikes, buckles, and other susceptible elements when going through the metal detector. That does not mean that you have to do without them, simply select the least recharged or not forget them in the tray after having to have removed them before going through the arch.
So, important is the time to travel dress as makeup or hairstyle to complete our airport look. In the latter case, wearing the collected hair can be the most practical. Braids, bows or ponytails are fashionable, so they are a good option.
When it comes to make-up, it is advisable to use products that provide a natural finish that allows the skin to breathe and to resist the passage of hours. The desmatificantes wipes can become our great friends to eliminate the shines and as soon as they occupy space in the purse.
The thermal water is also a great ally because as a result of the air and the temperature changes our skin can suffer. Especially if it is a trip of several hours, it is advisable to carry it in your bag and sprinkle it with your face every so often, in order to hydrate it. If you are going to make up the best is to use waterproof products to avoid disasters and because they will last more unalterable time. Thus, we will arrive at our destination with an unbeatable face, despite the hours and fatigue.