Oriental Secrets of Hair Care
From time immemorial oriental beauties have accumulated the huge collection of means to care for body, face and hair. And all these cosmetic means can give any ultra-modern cosmetics odds. Under the veil, as a rule, brightly painted lips, lined eyes and musky tresses are hidden. Maybe we should listen to the wisdom of the East.
In the arsenal of Arabian beauties there are all kinds of oils both essential and vegetable origins. They are indispensable for all modern women. We know about castor and coconut oils much and use these oils effectively. But it seems that sesame oil is exotic for western women as well as frankincense and myrrh. And if you add a drop of aromatic oil in them, warm slightly and rub into your hair… By the way, make this procedure at least once a week and you will be greatly surprised!
To improve hair urgently you should beat 1 egg, and mix with 2 tablespoons of any vegetable oil and 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar or honey. The resulting product of cosmetic art should be applied to the scalp and hair. Cover hair with a heated towel and keep it for 10-15 minutes.
You can strengthen the hair with the help of universal vitamin mask. You nedd egg yolk, pulp of a half banana and a half apple plus juice of two oranges. Mix everything in a blender and rub into clean wet hair and keep for half an hour. This mask is universal because it can be used for the facial skin too.
Infusion of rosemary leaves works against dandruff well. And onion infusion works against hair loss. Slice a big onion with the peel and pour with a half of one glass of natural apple or grape vinegar. Keep in a warm place during the whole day. Take out the onion and rub the resulting balm into the scalp at night. Then wrap the head with a piece of polyethylene and wash the mask off in the morning.
To give the brightness to the hair Arabian women rinse hair with lemon juice, tea or coffee. And of course, the best way to wash hair is kefir. There is no shampoo to compete with kefir.
Also I should mention about favorite plants of oriental beauties – henna and usma. If the henna is widely known, then usma is terra incognita yet. But we can buy seeds and grow it in own garden. Usma compels hair to grow everywhere hair can grow, except palms and soles. Of course, it needs a lot of juice (for the scalp), but eyelashes and eyebrows will thankful to you. Usma juice will make them long, strong and black.
And finally, one more purely eastern procedure – steam bath. Hot oil is rubbed into the scalp and hair with hot wet towel. Then a towel is left on the head as a turban to increase the impact of the oil with hot steam. Hair can be washed in two-three hours.