How to cut your bangs at home: some useful tips
If you are thinking of cutting your bangs yourself, we give you some tricks and tips to achieve the desired result, and if nothing happens, think that the hair grows again and that whoever does not risk does not win, also this may be the ideal moment to risk and cut your bangs with that style that you have been wanting to try for some time.
Things to consider if you are going to cut your bangs yourself.
Use sharp scissors
Use sharp and easy to handle scissors to cut the hair accurately, it is best to use specific scissors to cut the hair but if you do not have you can use the ones you have just make sure they cut well and are not too big to handle them well.
Dry or wet hair?
You can do it in two ways but you have to take into account that wet hair tends to be longer than dry hair and if you also brush it with a fine comb the feeling of the length increases, the advantage of wet hair is that it allows you to control Better the hair and handle it with more precision but you can be surprised because you have cut more than you had thought
If you decide to cut the bangs with dry hair, wash and dry your hair first as you usually do and then follow the instructions but with dry hair.
What type of bangs to cut?
Another important question is to see what type of bangs you want to cut if you are going to do it yourself think of something discreet and simple in this way if the result does not convince you you can hide or fix it in a short time. Better not to risk too much the first time, but if you are daring to do so, that the hair grows back.
How to cut your bangs step by step
Choose first if you are going to do it with dry or wet hair and then follow these steps.
First, comb all your hair back and collect it in a ponytail or bun
Now separate and comb the part of your hair that you are going to cut forward, keep in mind that I count more back the thicker your bangs will be
Divide the amount of hair you want to cut into a triangle, keep in mind that the further back the thicker your bangs will be
Comb the hair forward and put a couple of fingers more than you have long thought, think that then you have to adjust the cut and it is better than not missing.
Give your hair a twist at the height you want to cut and use your fingers or a bag clamp to mark the cut line, then always cut below your fingers not above, cut in a straight line.
Now separate the hair and start cutting diagonally from top to bottom to integrate it well with the rest of your hair, it is a staggering cut so you have to leave it longer to be able to parade it.
After a little blunt the bottom, this will make the bangs not as a thick line but lighter at the ends.
If everything went well this will be more or less the result, this type of cut is curtain type and is one of the simplest cuts but you have to be careful in the final finish and it is well integrated into your cut.
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