3 Best and Attractive Nail Art Designs
Nails are an essential part of your body. Beautiful, manicured nails can easily get you a limelight position among your friends. Recently, the trend of nail art has become perpetually popular with young girls. Beginning with a French manicure, where ladies apply quotes of a white nail creme to the tips of their nails, it has now reached a level where artists flex their fingers around different nail shades, brushes, and pens to create minuscule pictures on the nails.
The trend has spread like wildfire and the where the beauty shops are brimming with different nail art accessories, stickers, and brushes, the web is welled up with nail art tutorials by artists from every corner of the world. In the creativity marathon, nobody seems to want to stay behind! In this blog, we shall some of the most famous nail art trends.
Newspaper Nail Art
Funky yet elegant, newspaper nail art is an amazing idea for beginners who want to try their hands on Nail Art. This easy to do art form only requires a base coat, a top coat, rubbing alcohol, and some pieces of newspaper. All you have to do is; apply base quote, dip your nails into the rubbing alcohol, press newspaper bits on your nails for a few seconds, finish the task with a top coat, and voila, you now have stylish and trendy nails for the evening party! This trend has been quite in the fashion planet for a while and is still not out of the scene.
Water Marble Nail Art
Flawless yet tricky, this is a gorgeous trend that can easily be mastered by practicing a few steps. Like the newspaper Nail Art, this one also does not require expensive accessories. You only need a bowl of icy cold water, a couple of nail colors having a high density, a toothpick, and a cotton bud. As portrayed in the picture above, drop a few drops of different colored nail paints on top of each other in the cold water bowl. Once you’ve dropped all your required colors in the water, use a toothpick to stir them. Be careful not to over stir the colors. Once you get the required marble-like surface, dip the cotton bud in the water precariously and spread the mixture atop your nail. Let it dry and apply a top coat to finish it. Enjoy getting bathed in envious looks from all the girls around!
Caviar Nail Art
Textured, edgy and dripping with class, the Caviar Nail Art requires a few basic supplies unlike the former two. The Caviar Nail Art kit is inexpensive and generally, easily available in beauty stores. It is a complete package as it comes with a bead applicator nozzle, and a bottle of beads that usually matches the nail paint along with it. A few tries can make you a pro at Caviar Nail Art and you can happily flaunt your beauty and creativity in the next high school reunion!