5 beneficial effects of caffeine in older adults
Caffeine is one of the most widely consumed stimulant drinks worldwide. And can be ingested in various ways, either in the form of infusion or capsules. This will usually depend on the purpose for which it is required. caffeine. Historically, it was discovered in the year 1819 by the German Friedrich Ferdinand.
Caffeine is defined as an alkaloid that belongs to the set of xanthines. It is capable of stimulating the central nervous system. And is obtained from various sources whether tea leaves, coffee beans or can also be found synthetically.
It can be considered as a kind of psychoactive drug. And the side effects it brings are very minimal. As long as the caffeine is consumed regularly and without excess. Otherwise, the person can become addicted to it. It should be noted that caffeine does not have any nutrients. And its use is very varied, there are people who use it to perform better while others use it to improve cognitive tasks.
As mentioned above, there are many sources of caffeine. Since it is possible to find caffeine in fruits, grains. And leaves of different types of plants; therefore sometimes some products do not specify that they have caffeine when in fact they do have it, nevertheless they specify it in a generalized way naming the leaves of some plants. Here 5 beneficial effects of caffeine.
Curiosities about caffeine
You can become addicted to it: When the consumption of caffeine is carried out in excess, it is possible that the person is believed to be addicted to it. However, the symptoms of the withdrawal syndrome will not be noticeable until they pass at least 24 hours without consuming any caffeine.
It is capable of modifying the brain: People who consume caffeine daily. And in considerable doses tends to present some changes in the brain in the long term since it will adapt to this habit.
It is part of the bloodstream:
When caffeine is consumed, it dissolves in both water. And the fat and is then distributed in the blood and cell membranes. So it is possible that you have caffeine throughout your body.
It is present in some medicines:
Certain drugs have among their ingredients caffeine. And sometimes it can be the reason that stroke occurs as it has a vasoconstrictor effect.
It is implemented in cosmetic products:
When caffeine is combined with vitamins, pro-vitamins, and biotin: it is very useful for regenerating damaged hair, therefore companies usually make quite a lot of use of caffeine for the production of products such as shampoo, hair creams, and soap.
It is not recommended for pregnant women: Pregnant women tend to transfer what they consume to the baby. And this not only during the gestation process. But also during the breastfeeding period. For this reason, women should set limits on coffee consumption because it can harm the development of the baby.
The functioning of caffeine in the body
Caffeine when it is consumed, in its different presentations (capsules or infusion), and begins to form part of the bloodstream, there is an effect on the functioning of the organism after about 40 minutes have elapsed. Its components are capable of acting in the brain in the area of the nervous system.
Normally, the consumption of caffeine causes some physiological and chemical modifications in the organism, this is because it interacts with the nervous system. Also, caffeine is characterized by being stimulant and vasoconstrictor.
Caffeine causes the cells to release a hormone called epinephrine, which is no more than the conventional and well-known adrenaline, so the pulse increases and so does the blood pressure; so there will be more blood circulation to the muscles and therefore the breathing will accelerate a bit.
After the caffeine fulfills its effects on the body, the body proceeds with its expulsion by filtering it through the kidneys and ending up expelling it through the urine. It should be noted that caffeine has a diuretic property, which causes more water to be released.
The benefits of caffeine in the elderly
The calories provided by a cup of coffee are minimal, this is because the energy nutrients are very low in terms of size. The only thing that stands out in caffeine is that it provides minerals such as phosphorus, calcium, and potassium. When older adults consume coffee, they can get a lot of benefits from caffeine, among which are the following:
Digestive system:
Coffee increases gastric secretion as it acts on stomach cells, thus increasing the absorption of proteins and vitamin B12 at the same time. However, if consumed in excess it can increase the risk of ulcers or gastritis. It is one of the best beneficial effects of caffeine.
Central nervous system:
Caffeine works as a stimulant abstain sleep, optimizes the ability to concentrate, reduces the feeling of fatigue, increases performance at the intellectual level, improves the reaction time and makes the person feel good. However, excessive consumption may cause difficulty in sleeping, anxiety, palpitations, etc.
According to research conducted, coffee is composed of a considerable number of antioxidants. Which is subsequently absorbed by the body and are very beneficial as they slow down the aging process of the body in general? It is one of the best beneficial effects of caffeine.
Muscles and bones:
Caffeine improves the functioning of muscles because it enhances the contraction of them and reduces fatigue. Also, with the consumption of coffee, there are notable improvements in terms of physical performance, specifically when they have to perform tasks that require much effort. It is one of the best beneficial effects of caffeine.
Respiratory system
Caffeine has relaxing properties, which causes the body to relax. It is able to dilate the bronchi, which is why it is usually highly recommended for people suffering from bronchial asthma. Likewise, caffeine is excellent in a generalized way for the processes related to asthma. It is one of the best beneficial effects of caffeine.