Breast cancer diet: prevent it with these 5 foods!
Prevention and the fight against cancer also start from the kitchen: healthy eating is essential to safeguard ourselves. And defeat this ugly disease. Discover with us which are the 5 super foods best suited for breast cancer.
Doctors never tire of stressing the importance of proper nutrition for cancer prevention, including breast cancer. A healthy lifestyle and a correct diet, especially for the over 50s, are essential to protect our body and reduce risk factors. Here are the best tips for a breast cancer diet.
The breast cancer, in particular, is among the most frequent ones: a cause it is a mutation of the DNA of the cells that end up invading the surrounding tissues, leading to the formation of cancer. Some foods can help all women prevent these formations or at least slow them down.
Before finding out what the 5 strongly recommended superfoods are against breast cancer. We will never stop remembering the importance of taking the tumor in time with regular breast visits, the practice of self- examination, as in the video. And without underestimating the symptoms.
1. Legumes: superfoods against breast cancer
Research has shown that women who regularly consume beans, lentils. And other legumes are less exposed to the risk of breast cancer. Legumes, in fact, are a natural source of antioxidants and phytochemicals, excellent for cancer prevention.
They also have a large content of fiber and vegetable proteins, calcium, iron. And vitamins, which are essential for keeping our body healthy. It is one of the best tips for a breast cancer diet.
2. Pomegranate: excellent food for the prevention of breast cancer
The pomegranate, according to the latest research, has substances capable of fighting aromatase, the enzyme responsible for the production of estrogens.
And estrogens – as we know – are among the main causes of the growth of breast tumors. Therefore consuming pomegranate regularly is an excellent weapon of prevention against cancer, beyond its already well-known antioxidant properties. It is one of the best tips for a breast cancer diet.
3.Bluefish: a real cure for breast cancer
L ‘ omega-3 is a polyunsaturated fatty acid is capable of preventing the formation of tumors. The bluefish is very rich and, according to research, women used to consume more of it decrease the risk of contracting breast cancer. If you, therefore, need to eat a protein meal, definitely prefer fish to meat, especially red meat.
Finally, browse through our album to discover which other foods contain omega-3s in abundance. And is, therefore, good to add to your food plan: It is one of the best tips for a breast cancer diet.
4. Blueberries: superfoods against breast cancer
Blueberries, thanks to the phytochemicals they contain in abundance, have the ability to reduce the risk of breast cancer or slow down its course and spread, fighting free radicals.
Consuming them regularly will only help you: try them for breakfast in low-fat yogurt or as a simple snack in the afternoon. It is one of the best tips for a breast cancer diet.
5. Cinnamon: an excellent spice to fight and prevent breast cancer
Of all the spices, cinnamon is the best to fight breast cancer. According to research, in fact, it would be able to inhibit a protein responsible for the blood supply to the tumor, thus slowing down its growth.
Add every time you can sprinkle cinnamon on your plate, whether it’s a dessert or even simply an herbal tea: you will treat yourself with taste and sweetness! It is one of the best tips for a breast cancer diet.
Breast cancer diet: all the most effective anti-cancer foods!
In addition to these 5 superfoods, there are other very effective foods against breast cancer. Here are all the anti-cancer foods to be included in your daily diet for a correct and natural prevention!