How Women Can Lose Weight In Their Twenties
For most women, their twenties are a time of transition. You leave home, start a career for the first time and you might even start a family. No wonder women tend to gain weight with so many changes to adapt to. The stress of leaving home and confronting the fast foods that are readily available or sitting in front of a desk the whole day might make your weight loss efforts even more difficult. Add parenthood and pregnancy to the mix and you might feel like you’ll never be fit and skinny again. Luckily you can decide to create healthier habits to help you gain control of your body again. There are many natural supplements which can support your weight loss efforts. Go to to find out what supplements brands you should try.
Here are ten more strategies you can try to normalize your weight in your twenties:
Stay Away From Restrictive Eating Patterns and Quick Fix Diets
If you experimented with restrictive diets and extreme calorie control in your adolescent years, it’s time to leave those habits behind. As you’re an adult now, it’s time to choose a healthy way of eating that you would be able to sustain for the rest of your life. Try to include as many fruits and vegetables in your meals as possible and include some lean protein and whole-wheat carbs.
Spot Healthy Options
Whether you’re often eating out in restaurants, in an office cafeteria or a dining hall, it’s important to go for the healthiest options available. Rather choose broiled, roasted, grilled, or baked meat and fish instead of fried foods and accompany that with some steamed vegetables. Try to avoid foods that are covered in cream sauce, cheese or butter and eat a piece of fruit when you are craving something sweet. Read more about how to curb your sugar cravings here.
Spend More Time In The Kitchen
Why not take a healthy-cooking class or look for free seminars on healthy cooking in order to up your game in the kitchen? There are many delicious recipes you can try which will take you less than thirty minutes to prepare.
Choose Filling, Healthy Fats
When eating fats make sure to choose the healthiest type, unsaturated fats, such as flax seeds, salmon, olive oil, almonds, avocados.
Watch Out For Marketing Claims
Many companies are not always telling the complete truth when it comes to how healthy their products are. Buzzwords such as “natural” and “organic” might confuse you when you are trying to make healthy choices. Rather don’t judge the food by its packaging, instead read the nutrition label or even better – buy foods without labels.
Stay Healthy While Socialising
You need to learn to party smarter – as women in their twenties are often challenged with balancing a healthy lifestyle with their social lives. There is always alcohol involved with happy hours at work, nights out with friends and dating. Try to drink a glass of water before and after a cocktail, choose drinks with lower amounts of alcohol and avoid drinks that are mixed with soft drinks, if you want to keep on socializing without gaining weight.
Don’t Stop Moving
It is crucial to keep your heart pumping if you want to lose or maintain your weight. Choose between running, walking, dancing, swimming or playing a sport. If you only want to maintain your weight one and a half hour of intense exercise per week or 3 hours of moderate aerobic exercise should do the thing! If your goal is to drop pounds, you might have to put in a bit more effort.
Establish Healthy Habits
You need to create healthy habits if you want to keep the weight off for the years to come. It can take up to 60 days to establish a new habit, so give yourself at least a few weeks to make sure that the new habits will stick.
Small Steps
Research shows that new behaviors will more easily become a habit when they are small and simple. Rather set small goals to make sure you’ll be able to sustain them in the long run.
Lose The Baby Weight
If you do get pregnant in your twenties, be warned that it might take between six months and a year to get back your pre-baby body. You can start your weight loss program six weeks after giving birth and if you’re breastfeeding, wait at least two months.