Energy-Saving Techniques for Commercial Kitchens
Saving energy is not only good for the planet: it can also increase your profits by reducing the amount you spend on gas and electricity by up to 20 per cent. Here are some useful tips for saving energy.
Switch Suppliers
Changing your electricity supplier can often save money, so it is worth checking for a better deal.
Change Light Bulbs
Changing to LEDs can reduce your electricity bills. According to Which, these are the most energy-efficient bulbs, consuming 90 per cent less power than traditional incandescent bulbs Keep reading sites like omegle.
Service Your Boiler
Your boiler should be regularly serviced for safety and to ensure it operates efficiently.
Water Heating
Make sure that your stored hot water is kept at a temperature of 60 degrees C, as it is a waste to heat it excessively.
In addition to ensuring that your refrigerator and freezer temperatures are set correctly, check that the door seals are intact and the equipment is in good condition. Site refrigeration equipment away from hot areas, and encourage staff to keep the doors of fridges closed whenever possible. Alarms or door closers may help to prevent doors being left open accidentally.
Promote Staff Energy Awareness
Involve staff in your campaign to save energy. You could appoint staff members to be “Energy Champions” who will have the responsibility for turning lights and equipment off when not in use. They could also ensure that hot water and heating temperatures are set correctly.
Review Your Equipment
New equipment such as an induction hobs and combi ovens can often save energy. Replacement commercial catering supplies can be obtained online from suppliers such as if you need to replace failing equipment quickly.
Label Switches
Labelling your electrical sockets and switches will make it clear to staff members whether they will be needed. Staff could be encouraged to only switch on the equipment that is needed rather than coming on duty and switching everything on.
Keep Ventilation Equipment Clean
Fans and ventilation hoods should be cleaned and maintained regularly so that they operate properly. If they are dirty or have faults, the efficiency of the ventilation system can be affected.
Check Your Dishwasher
Old dishwashers and glass washers tend to use more energy than the new energy-efficient equipment available today. Replacing them with new equipment could save you water, energy and money.