How men became more fashion aware.
The world of fashion and looking up to date had generally left the majority men by. For the most part men worked in manual settings either in the fields, mine, mill or factory. This gave them little scope for getting all togged up and if they did it was only for Sunday and Church, namely in the form of a smart suit. Two World Wars soon changed the complexion of the world including what the masses of people in society would accept. They had bled for their countries, suffered deprivation and lost loved ones and their youth. It was time for a better, freer, deference free world.
It was the 1960’s when Men began to feel freer to wear something other than fedora’s, tweed suits and white shirts. The T-shirt (a throwback from the War) began to rise to prominence. The generation that had grown up in the shadow of the war heroes was looking for their own voice much as the veterans were also wondering about their own mark in the world . The 1960’s counter culture, the introduction of the contraceptive pill and even recreational drugs all allowed Men to be freer to grow hair, wear bright colours and generally cast off certain shackles.
Designers also lead the way. Not content with sticking to the blacks and greys they had had to put up with it was time to stretch the wings. Calvin Klein, Ralph Lauren are just two examples and you can see the legacy here with Mens Calvin Klein Clothes from