Starting your own Food Business
If you have always loved being in the kitchen, creating delicious food for the family to enjoy, you may have come to the point where you think you would rather do it as a business – giving up your mundane day job to pursue your passion sounds like the ultimate dream. But if you have come to this conclusion, it is important that you go about it the right way – as the saying goes, failing to prepare is preparing to fail…
Identify your Niche – Finding your niche in the market is essential, as you will want to stand out! When it comes to food, there is always an audience ready to try what you make, but if you can stand out from the crowd and get a good name for yourself that will speak volumes.
Create a Business plan – How do you foresee running your business? Do you plan on catering large events or hiring additional staff to help? Sit down and write a business plan before you do anything else.
Think about your Target Audience – Depending on what sort of food business you are going to be running, you will need to think about who your audience are and how you are going to appeal to them. A good website and social media campaign are important as so much business is done on the internet now – a marketing strategy consultant will be able to help you with this.
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Remember to meet the Food Hygiene Standards and Regulations – When you are running a food business it is important to comply with the food hygiene regulations – it may be worth brushing up on what you need before you set up your business. Have a look on the Gov UK site to see what you need to do.