Gougeres: the recipe for French savory puffs to be enjoyed simple
Excellent with gruyere: alternatively, replace it with Parmesan or another aged cheese: the important thing is that it lends itself to being grated. Here is here the recipe of gougeres.
Ideal for an aperitif at home in the company of friends, gougères are savory puffs of French origin to be enjoyed simple or filled with cream cheese. A real delight, also excellent as an appetizer.
-75 gr of grated Gruyère
-75 grams of butter
-150 grams of flour
-½ liter of water
-4 eggs
-A little salt
Preparation time: 15 minutes + 10 minutes of rest
Cooking time: 30 minutes
-Pour the water into a large saucepan, add the butter, a pinch of salt, and bring to the boil
-As soon as everything boils, remove from the heat and add the flour all at once
-Allow it to absorb, stirring vigorously with a wooden spoon or spatula
-Put the pot back on the heat and thicken the mixture: it is ready when it comes off the edges leaving them clean
-Remove from heat and let the dough cool for about ten minutes.
-Add the eggs, one at a time and allow the previous one to absorb well before the next one.
-Finish with the grated Gruyère
-Turn on the static oven at 200 degrees. Line the oven plate with the paper
-With the help of the sac-a-poche, or simply with two spoons, form the gougères, taking care to leave a few centimeters of space between one and the other. If necessary, cook them a little at a time
-To bake. After about 20 minutes check the cooking: they must be well swollen and golden.
-Serve immediately, hot.