The beauty tips you should know
We all love to look perfect on any occasion, but sometimes you don’t have enough time or money to invest in the most sophisticated cosmetics. However, in all this, there is more myth than reality, since if you spend 15 minutes throughout the day for yourself, they can be enough to take care of your skin and make a simple makeup that favors you and hides your imperfections.
Care your skin
One of the essential steps that cannot be missed in your beauty routine is to hydrate your skin. Before proceeding to apply any foundation, your particular ‘canvas’ must be as hydrated as possible so that the base finish is as natural as possible. UV radiation from the sun, pollution and sudden changes in temperature become the main enemies of your skin, so you must combat them with the help of a moisturizer, eye contour, concealer, and a base that not only brings color to your face but also protect it
Use vegetable oils
If you want to add extra hydration to your skin, in addition to that provided by your usual cream, use vegetable oils. There are different types, depending on your needs, either to hydrate, cleanse or soften the skin naturally. If you have dry skin, we recommend that you try coconut oil, almond oil, olive oil or rosehip oil.
Makeup tips
When it comes to applying makeup, it is essential that you choose which area of your face you want to enhance. In the case, you choose to highlight your eyes, the tone you choose lips should be softer. If instead, you prefer to enhance your lips, it is advisable that the eye shadow you choose is not too striking.
Practice exercise
Practicing sports frequently will allow you to feel better both inside and out. The lack of time means that in the end you are always lazy and do not manage to sign up for the gym. However, that is no longer an excuse! We propose some exercises to keep you in shape from home that will be infallible to face laziness.
On the other hand, social networks have a multitude of profiles designed to teach you how to lead a healthy life.
Take a little time for yourself daily and apply these beauty tips to be perfect at all times without the need to spend hours in front of the mirror or use unattainable cosmetics, as there are always cheaper alternatives with good value for money that will take care of your skin.
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