Category: Reviews


Are solar panels still worth it?

Solar panels are seen by many as a long-term investment and a way to help both their finances and the environment. Money is tight for many people at the moment and sound investments are...


An introduction to sheet metal bending

Sheet metal bending is an important process in many manufacturing industries due to the way it can create complex shapes and components from flat metal sheets efficiently and cost-effectively. This blog post will provide...


Six Items you can make using copper pipe

Copper is a beautiful metal with a natural, warm, orange-red glow that eventually turns to a patina-green when oxidised. There is arguably no better material to use to craft unique pieces, especially given its...


Choosing the right meeting room

Here are important things to consider when setting up or hiring a meeting room. Select a meeting room with enough space Space is key if you want to ensure that everyone feels comfortable and...


What is metal spray?

Metal spray is one of a number of popular techniques used to add coatings to the surfaces of objects. The items that are sprayed are known as substrates.


How CCTV cameras operate

CCD chip size & chip sets A CCTV camera’s main purpose is to convert light into video signals. A CCD (Charge Coupled device) sensor is at the heart of a CCTV. The CCD sensor...


How to write a good marketing plan

All businesses, no matter the size, need a strategy which outlines how their target market is going to be reached through marketing and PR. But what should it include? Different Marketing Plans There are...

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